Template App Page
PCX Portal Template - Changelog
- Updating the validation code in isValid().
- Removing the $errStr references and converting setError() calls to
prefixError()/postfixError() as needed.
- Updated to require Portal 0.3.00.
- Migrated the Language files to be the language code not name.
English.pm -> en.pm
- Debianized.
- Code refactoring - the close App code is now in processCloseAppEvent
provided by Portal::Methods.
updated urlBuilder to use the baseUrl parameter.
Updated to use all the new features of the Portal::App module.
Updated Example::Main to take advantage of the Portal::AppState::run
implementation. Had to rewrite the run() method as the c_ commands routines
that will be called by the Portal::AppState::run method.
- Renaming from App -> Example for the Portal:: namespace.
- Added the missing browser variables to the instantiation of the state module
as it is being called from App.pm.
- Updated to using the Portal OO modules that are really cool!
- Updated to use urlBuilder() as needed.
- Updated to use the new XML config file formats.
- Added test code for user Locking of Apps in the Portal.
- Updated to use Portal::Methods module.
- Updated to use the ColorScheme support.
- Updated to use the new map method for Language display.
- Updated to include the supported new features that PCXPortal 0.1.05 provides.
- Updated Main.pm to use the detected Browser Capabilities to determine what JavaScript Error Handler to generate.
- Added authObj to the new method of the main module and all state modules.
- Added authentication check in App.pm to make sure that the user trying to
run the application has it assigned. This is only done the first time the
app is run (until they close it) for performance reasons.
- changed the object that we are getting the database name to create and work
with in the appinstall.pl script to be the companyAppObj.
- Cleaned up App.pm in regards to error setting code and wrapped the new
and run methods of the State Object in eval statements.
- Made sure that all error setting routines use setError and removed the
uneeded error setting in isValid method.
- Fixed the rpm spec file issue where install.pl was looking into the perl
tree for Config.pm and not into the rpm build tree.
- Fixed the SessionHandler(fileDir) value.
- Added the missing StateTemplate.pm file to the distribution. This file is used to base all other States off of
- Cleaned up the Created by Headers
- Fixed the Makefile.PL which was requiring too old of a version of the PCX Portal.
- Updated install.pl to do recursive copies and deletes
- Moved images, js, install directories under files. All application specific images now go in the images directory and the Portal Desktop now looks for the icon of the application in portal/images/App/...
- Added helpDefined config item to the Config.pm module and setup.pl scripts
- install.pl is now a wrapper script that calls /usr/lib/pcx_portal/install_app.pl which does what install.pl did. install.pl can have code added to it to do other installation steps as needed
- appinstall.pl is now a wrapper script that calls /usr/lib/pcx_portal/appinstall.pl which does the actual application registration process and assigns to any companies and users that the creator specified via setup.pl. The database creation code will stay in the application specific version of appinstall.pl so that an application creator can tweak what is done to create the database that is needed for their application, if a database even needs to be created, etc.
- Updated rpm spec file to make sure we have the Portal already installed so that our support files are in place for the build process
- Fixed the appinstall.pl bugs
- Moved setup.pl and appinstall.pl into the scripts directory
- Made install.pl look for the support scripts in the scripts directory
- Updated documentation
- Created the Changes, README and Makefile.PL files. Created the config directory
- Added the Data directory
- Fixed some bugs with the TemplateObject in Objects
- First release on SourceForge